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来源:越飞企管咨询     发布日期:2011/12/22 20:51:38   |    分享    加入收藏   

1、What is the lowest salary paid in the factory?
For which position?

2、According to your best knowledge what is the legal minimum wage applicable in
your country,region or district?

3、Are wage slips provided to all workers when they receive their month salary?

4、Has every employee from the factory signed a formal working contract?

5、Is paid maternity leave provided to pregnant women?

6、Are workers covered with medical insurance or any other benefits?

7、What is the normal working hours applicable in the factory?

8、How many hours of overtime workers usually do every day?(during low and during
high season).

9、Is there any extra bonus paid for the overtime?Give details.

10、Do workers have at least one day of rest per week?

11、How many days of annual leave workers can enjoy? Is this annual leave paid?

12、What is the age of the youngest worker employed in the factory?

13、According to your best knowledge what is the legal minimum age?

14、How do you check the age of workers newly employed in the factory?

15、What is your policy concerning children or young workers?

16、Are any penalties deducted from the workers salaries in case of poor
behavior,low productivity,quality problems?

17、Do workers have to give a deposit when they are employed(for
equipment,uniforms provided…)?

18、Do your keep original copies of work permit,ID papers,cards or professional
certificates for the workers?

19、Do you feel your factory complies with Carrefour Suppliers Social Charter?

20、Do you feel your factory complies with the mational or local Labor Code?

21、Is the factory regularly audited(social audits) by customers or by local
labor bureau ? (If yes give details).



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